Cross-border corporate structuring advisory services Incorporation and corporate management servicesinternationally, working in partnership with licensed law firms and management companies / corporate serviceproviders in multiple jurisdictions, while ensuring the coordination is seamless and the client has one point ofcontact.
- Company and Trust formation and administration
- Provision of registered office
- Company secretarial support services
- Support regarding bank account opening and administration
- Accounting and tax services
- Assistance with special licence applications
- Ensuring compliance with the applicable laws and regulations
- Provision of independent directorship services
- Corporate governance reviews
- Drafting of corporate governance reports including board charters and terms of reference for board committees
- Provision of registered office
- Ensuing for funds under our administration compliance with applicable laws
- Safekeeping of the minute books and corporate records, statements and constitutive documents, as agreed with clients
- Safekeeping, preparation and forwarding to shareholders of all certificates, cheques, statements notices, reports and other documents as required
- Preparing directors’ resolutions and attend and minute all board meetings
- Safekeeping of the seal of the funds under administration.
- Development and implementation of policies, controls, and procedures
- Performing basic Customer Due Diligence, for and on behalf of clients, as an outsourced service
- Performing Enhanced Due Diligence in cases of high-risk and PEP clients and large transactions
- Conducting a risk assessment to identify, assess, monitor, manage and mitigate the risks associated with money laundering and terrorism financing
- Independent compliance audit of the effectiveness of the policies, controls and procedures, risk assessment, amongst others
- Providing guidance to the MLRO in assessing and investigating internal suspicious transaction reports
- Assistance in regulatory visits from regulators
- Independent AML/CFT audits
- Provision of an eKYC solution, on a Soft As A Service (SAAS) basis
- Drafting of corporate governance reports including board charters and terms of reference for board committees
- Maintenance of records
- Performing the calculation of net assets value (NAV) in accordance with the constitutive documents of the funds under its administration;
- Reconciling open positions, bank accounts and accounts with the fund manager, custodian, prime broker and/or external parties
- Management and Performance Fee Calculation
- Preparing the Financial statements periodically including: balance sheet; statement of profit or loss; statement of changes in equity or capital; and statement of net asset value of shares
- Preparing the yearly and half yearly reports and accounts of the funds under administration
- Liaising with appointed counter-parties including auditors, custodian and fund managers.

- Reviewing and processing all subscription, redemption and transfer requests;
- Preparation of investor statements and contract notes;
- Performing anti-money laundering checks in relation to identification and verification of investors in accordance with applicable laws
- Specific assistance with relocation to Mauritius available, including assistance in application for occupational permits, administrative assistance for property acquisition in Mauritius, school application, registration with public authority, bank account opening.
- Assistance with other tech services, including E-estate planning solution, Ewallet solutions & Technical listings as a pre STO stage or for more transparency for shareholders of private companies